Worship > Wedding and Baby Shower Policies
wedding Policy
A Church wedding is a Christian ceremony uniting one man and one woman, and all preparations should be made with this in mind. All components of the wedding service should be appropriate for a Christian service and are subject to approval by the Session of Providence Church.
Providence Church does not own a building, and as such, the location of the wedding ceremony is left to the wisdom of the Bride and Groom. Inside Weddings (that is, weddings in a local Church building) is strongly encouraged over outdoor weddings. All congregational music (or solos) used in the wedding service must be approved by the pastor performing the ceremony. The Session of Providence provides a historical liturgy for the wedding.((Private communion during a wedding ceremony is contrary to our confession (WCF, XXIX.IV) and to the spirit of the sacraments, which is a communal meal. Wedding vows may not be written for the occasion. The couple will use the traditional wedding vows accepted and used by the church for several hundred years)).
It is the desire of our Church to be helpful to people desiring a church wedding. Following are regulations for the parties involved.
The Session requires that all couples for whom our pastors will perform a wedding ceremony be professing believers whose lives show evidence of their relationship with Christ. All couples must meet with the pastor performing ceremony or with someone approved by that pastor for counseling before the wedding. Typically, the engaged couple will meet for 4-6 hours with the pastor performing the wedding. These sessions may be divided into 1-4 meetings. These situations may vary if the couple resides in another state.
If you are not a member of Providence and would like one of our pastors to perform the ceremony, the Session requires an interview and, if possible, pre-marital counseling before agreeing to perform the ceremony. All weddings of non-members need to be first approved by the Session.
For those utilizing our pastors to perform the wedding, an appropriate honorarium, along with any travel expenses incurred by the pastor, are strongly encouraged.
Pastor Brito can be reached at pastorbrito@providencepensacola.com or (850) 377-3049
Pastor Stout can be reached at pastorstout@providencepensacola.com or (850) 324-1479
​wedding And baby Shower Policy
We are very thankful for God’s blessing on our congregation as he pours grace through marriages and births. As we have grown, it has become necessary to change how we organize and host the celebratory showers for these milestones.
We encourage friends and families to organize these events and allow the leadership of Providence to support your work.
Providence Deacons and Session will support these efforts in the following ways:
If you need email addresses for our members, we can provide those.
If the whole Church is invited to your loved one’s wedding/baby shower, we will put an announcement in the bulletin.
For baby showers after the first child, we can make the school library available to host a diaper shower for that new mother after worship, during our fellowship time.
Please email the Church (providencechurchpensacola@gmail.com) if you require addresses, wish to have an announcement placed in the bulletin, or need to use the library after worship. Again, this will only be if you are inviting the entire Church to this shower. Please send that email as far ahead of time as possible.
Let your deacon know if you have any questions or need help.